Archive | July, 2018

As Always, The Best Laid Plans..

2 Jul

All things considered, we did the right thing heading north when we did. A peaceful night at anchor en route watching the lightning flash across the southern sky was a good indication. A few nights on the quay in Sivota/Mourtos was followed by a straightforward and, thankfully, dry crossing to Corfu and had us safely back in the marina before the heralded storms hit. But, as June becomes July, we didn’t expect still to be here.

As the UK is basking in a heatwave, Greece has been hit with the most unseasonable weather. No doubt the two are connected. The storms and rain just went on and on. But Sunday dawned with a chance to take friends out for the day after repeated postponements. They chose Garitsa Bay and we had a leisurely cruise around Corfu town, getting in much closer than we usually do when just passing, to allow them – and me – to get a few photos.

A leisurely lunch, a swim and a bit of sunbathing was the perfect antidote although the tricky return to the marina is always a bit stressful. Sorry if it all got a bit abrupt, guys. Undaunted, re-provisioned and refueled we headed out again the next day, destination Kalami. With light winds and a heat mist blurring the the distant hills in a beautiful haze of sunshine, relaxed and looking forward to time in a pretty bay … an alarm went off, piercing and demanding immediate attention.

The engine battery wasn’t charging. There was no way we could carry on and risk the engine not starting again. Ah well, at least we hadn’t got far and the entry back into our berth was unnoteworthy. We now await an electrician.