Archive | June, 2015


17 Jun


For us, the really special part of being in Turkey is the fact that our sailing friends, Christine and Vic, are here too. When their dinghy chugged up to the beach near where we are staying we were practically bouncing. In my enthusiasm I landed sprawled on my posterior trying to assist the dinghy ashore. As anyone who has read our sailing blog will know, I’ve never been surefooted when it comes to dinghies.

It turned out my reputation held up the following day, too, when Vic transported us to their yacht. They always take extra care with me. I am allowed to step in while everyone else hangs on to keep the dinghy as steady as possible. This I accomplished without mishap this time. As the guys pushed us away from the shore, I sat happily at the front like Lady Muck. The revs built up on the outboard and we duly set forth only for me to be leaping up as the nose dug in and seawater came spilling over the top. For some reason Christine didn’t seem very surprised to see me arrive with wet feet and bum. Happy times.

Mediterranean Morning

14 Jun


It’s been a while since we woke to the sound of a cockerel crowing. To be honest, it could get a bit annoying if we were anchored off a pretty harbour in Greece, particularly if the music bars had kept us awake into the wee small hours, only to be woken what felt like minutes later by a territorial bird.
Today it said only one thing – we were back in the Med. Not Greece, however, but neighbouring Turkey and we weren’t afloat. The sea was tantalisingly close, the boats already making there way across the bay, the water that particular shade of blue that calls to everybody. It didn’t take us long to be winding our way towards it.